Monday, December 12, 2011

Church Chicks: Living Intentionally - Focused Eternally

There is one who makes himself rich, yet has nothing; and one who makes himself poor, yet has great riches.  Proverbs 13:7  True riches are more than money and earthly treasures... more than finding the best price online for that gift we just have to have.  Proverbs says that we can have all the money we'll ever be able to spend in our lifetime and yet be poor in the most important things of life:  relationships with God and friends/family.  This Christmas season, let's evaluate the things in life that we have accumulated that seem so important or "need to haves" and give them a second thought.  Are they really necessary when we look at them with an eternal focus?  Will they last beyond this life? Let's remember that true riches are people, love, and serving God and others.  Lord, help us see what's of worth in our lives - worthy of our time and effort - and help us pare down the things of our lives that are useless in light of eternity.  In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.  Merry Christmas, Church Chicks!

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