Saturday, December 31, 2011

Don't Fear Curses, Church Chicks :)

"Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, so a curse without cause shall not alight."  Proverbs 26:2  No one can cause you to be under a curse if you don't open the door for it to affect your life.  There are many ways we can put ourselves out as a target for a curse to cause us negativity in our lives when we do not choose God's way and His will and instead insist on our own way or following others rather than God.  The best guard against allowing curses to light on, or attach to, our lives is by doing our best to read His Word, live by its instruction, and follow His will.  Negativity can come at us, but it can't stay on us.  It can be flying all around us, but if we haven't done anything to welcome it, it can't make a nest in our hair :) 
Lord, please help us to live in the positive love and blessings that you provide through your Word and your Spirit.  It is a blessing to be Your Church Chick!  In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen!
Happy New Year, Church Chicks.  May this be your most positive, blessed year yet.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

In the New Year, Let the Righteous Rise

As 2012 begins, some words from Proverbs 24:16 give us reason to celebrate our desire to live a righteous life before God.  "For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, but the wicked shall fall by calamity."  We all are capable of "missing the mark" and falling down in our Christian walk.  Sometimes our emotions get away from us, and we begin reacting out of our humanness instead of our relationship with our Lord.  We have good intentions, but situations can take our focus away from the face of Jesus.  This new year, let's commit anew to keeping our eyes on the Lord.  He will cause us to rise up and overcome.  We will not be overcome by calamity.  We will rise again out of our problems. 
Lord, thank You for being with us before, during, and after life's temporary problems and situations and for bringing us out of them.  You are Lord of ALL.  In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.  Happy New Year, Church Chicks!  May you be blessed beyond your imaginations :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Letting God Write Our Daily Agendas

As women, we are great at planning and multi-tasking out of necessity due to our busy lives.  Proverbs 19:21 cautions us that we need to remember to make God's plans for our day our plans for our day.  "There are many plans in a man's (Church Chick's) heart, nevertheless the Lord's counsel - that will stand."  God knows we have busy lives with many plans.  What we need to be sure to do daily is seek counsel from the Lord so that we spend our time on God's agenda because His is the one that will last for eternity. 
Lord, we thank you that you care about every detail of our lives.  Help us to always pause as we write down our "To Do" lists and ask for your leading and discernment so that we spend our time on things that will stand for eternity.  We ask for Your agenda and not just that you bless our own agendas especially in this busy Christmas season.  Give us Your thoughts and wisdom for our days that we may please You in every way, every day.  In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen :)  Have a blessed day, Church Chicks.  You are loved,  Share God's love with others today!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Friendships = Focusing on Others

"A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother."  Proverbs 18:24  Friendships are not a "given" in life.  Many people complain that others are not friendly to them and they don't feel they fit in at work, church, or in family life.  Yet this scripture shows that the prescription for having friends is to be friendly to others first.  We need to be the first to offer friendship to others and focus on their comfort and needs.  When we truly are concerned for others, praying for them, talking to them, serving them, and loving them through the trials of life, we build lasting friendships that can be even stronger than blood relative relationships.  Lord, help us to examine our friendships to be sure we are not making them all about us, but that we are being a blessing to our families, friends, and ministry/work associates giving them the support/encouragement they need to be successful.  Help us to be true caring friends to all you bring into our circles of life.  Thank You for being that kind of friend to us!  In Jesus' name, Amen.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Thermostats, Not Thermometers :)

It is difficult, but not impossible, to not respond in anger to antagonistic people and situations we face in our daily lives.  The word "temperature" has as its root word "temper."  Our temper, or temperament, can either be controlled by the "heat" around us and be a thermometer that goes up and down with the spiritual/emotional climate we are in, or we can stay controlled and even tempered like a thermostat that controls the temperature in a room.  "He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city."  Proverbs 16:32  This scripture tells us that when faced with situations that begin to cause our temper to rise, we can stop and pray for the Lord's help to be a thermostat and not a thermometer and to not pick up an offense.  Lord, we ask you today to help us keep our spirits under Your control - cool, calm and collected in every situation, Fully Relying On God.  Have a cool day, Church Chicks, and be a thermostat FROG!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Church Chicks: Living Intentionally - Focused Eternally

There is one who makes himself rich, yet has nothing; and one who makes himself poor, yet has great riches.  Proverbs 13:7  True riches are more than money and earthly treasures... more than finding the best price online for that gift we just have to have.  Proverbs says that we can have all the money we'll ever be able to spend in our lifetime and yet be poor in the most important things of life:  relationships with God and friends/family.  This Christmas season, let's evaluate the things in life that we have accumulated that seem so important or "need to haves" and give them a second thought.  Are they really necessary when we look at them with an eternal focus?  Will they last beyond this life? Let's remember that true riches are people, love, and serving God and others.  Lord, help us see what's of worth in our lives - worthy of our time and effort - and help us pare down the things of our lives that are useless in light of eternity.  In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.  Merry Christmas, Church Chicks!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Church Chicks in Nassau!

Church Chicks are everywhere and Church Chick products help you find them and celebrate your faith together :)  While on a cruise last week and visiting the Straw Market in Nassau, I wore one of my Church Chick tees (Heb. 10:24-25 style) and four Church Chicks stopped me and commented on my shirt.  One said she was going to look up the scripture right away after she asked what it said and I told her, "It says to spur each other on to love and good works and to go to church often - even more as you see the Day approaching."  Three Church Chicks stopped me further in the market and said they loved my shirt.  I asked if they were Church Chicks and they said, "Oh, yes!"  They said they'd like to know where they could get Church Chick shirts and I told them to go to our site at ""  Hopefully, there will be Church Chicks proclaiming their faith and love for the Lord with witness wear in the Straw Market real soon :)  Romans 1:16 says, "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation."  I wouldn't have known these women were Church Chicks if I hadn't worn my shirt.  It was a great feeling to know that I was among Christian sisters even far from home in the Straw Market of Nassau.  Wear it and share the love, Church Chicks!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Enrolling in God's Life Insurance Policy

Living a righteous life by following God's way is our insurance policy against the storms of life.  It will not keep us from the storms, but in God's pathway there is the promise that we will not be overtaken by trouble and will come through it successfully.  There is also the promise that there is no death in His pathway.  Listen to these verses from Proverbs 12:
"But the righteous will come through trouble...No grave trouble will overtake the righteous." (13b,21a)...In the way of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death." (28)
Lord, we give You this day.  No matter what happens today, we know You walk with us and will bring us through the troubles successfully.  Help us be sensitive to Your voice to keep us on Your right path.  In Jesus' name, Amen.  Have a blessed day, Church Chicks, knowing that God walks with you as your insurance policy :)